Saturday, July 25, 2009

I am unfit to create

What can I say? I haven't been feeling very bloggy lately. It comes in waves, I guess. I made my big Fat Beagle debut, and I haven't been back. Well better late than never.

I've been busy trying to wrap things up to get the shop opened. I thought it would happen last week, but now I'm hoping for Monday. I still need to take nice photos of the quilts. I finished the new quilt, tentatively called the Wave Quilt. I need to come up with better names for these things. You'd think that by my naming system that I am unfit to create. I also made some new pot holders today. Pics to come....

My ex-boss in NY has requested a custom Fold Quilt, and I am excited to get started on that. I am working on choosing the patterns/colors for it, and after I get all my stuff up on Etsy, I will start it. I am excited to see it in a different color scheme, and I am excited to have my first custom order! Now that I've ironed out all the design issues with it, I hope to finish it in a timely manner. I've estimated that it should take about 13 hours if all goes well. All never goes well, so it will probably take more like 20 or 50 or a million.

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