Sunday, July 5, 2009

She's like the Wicked Witch of the West

Ok. So I'm really trying to stay motivated and make this happen. The Etsy shop, that is. If I don't do it before school starts, I'm afraid I never will. I have been working almost every day on some bit of sewing or other related task. I wanted to have about 5 quilts and a bunch of coasters and other small things that people can actually afford. I've been working on the Crazy Blue Quilt for a couple of weeks now, and I am on the home stretch. This is an earlier progress pic:

I finally finished the Patchy Bird Quilt:

The coasters:

In other news, I've been out of control with pet pictures, as usual.

Beagle's new favorite spot to sleep is halfway under the couch. Forgive the bad picture, but I couldn't resist. She's like the Wicked Witch of the West or something.

Not much substance to this post, but I'm tired after uploading all those pictures. Next time I'll do better, I promise

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