Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's time for the requisite New Year's post. I'm not fully motivated to do this, but it has to be done. Plus it's a big one because it's the end of a decade! (That's not a happy exclamation point.) I'm getting old, and time is passing faster and faster. For those of you who have been reading since the beginning (like when this was still on MySpace), I am terrified of getting old and realizing I let life pass me by. I try to use the New Year as a way to keep myself on task. So what did I say last year?

1. Finish renovating the kitchen, don't rush it and make it crappy. Do something that I am proud of.


2. Make more quilts and start my Etsy shop. Also make patterns to sell in shop.

mostly check. I had to quit that stuff when school got busy.

3. Keep up with cycling. Don't get lazy!

nope. I got lazy.

4. Switch over my blog to a nicer site, add crafting to my blog.


5. I'll be in school, so I guess I should put something about doing well.

i did ok. but i worked too hard for those lousy Bs.

6. Do something good. Part of why I was always so frustrated with my life in NY is that I wasn’t doing anything to help people, better society, etc... I want to find something that channels my talents and/or interests to help people.

nope. still looking for something to do. school is so busy that i have time for nothing else.

So I got a 4/6, which is a 67%. Not so hot.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm even jealous of myself

I like to catch up on all the blogs I read before I write my blog, in case there is something I need to share with you. First today, I want you to take the Color Quiz. Just do it. It takes 3 minutes. Then read your results. Now read mine. Mine are pretty accurate, but maybe they are vague enough to be accurate for everyone. Here are my results

Craves change and new things, always looking for new adventures and activities. Becomes restless and frustrated when she has to wait to long for things to develop. her impatience leads to irritability and a desire to move on to the next project. True.

Has high standards and wants to make friends with those who have equally high standards; however, she has been unsuccessful in building these types of relationships. she is feeling under appreciated and her self-esteem is damaged because of it. she is uncomfortable with the situation and wishes to escape, but refuses to make compromises or lower her standards. Eh. Puts off resolving her problems because she afraid of the conflicts it may cause. In order to feel secure, she needs to feel appreciated by others so they will do what she asks of them and respect her opinions. True-ish.

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation. Eh.

Emotionally distant even from those closest to her. So I've heard.

Willing to become emotionally involved because she feels isolated and alone. she tries to avoid conflict and disagreements, but her arrogance leads her to quickly take offense. I don't think it's arrogance. Maybe over-sensitivity...

Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has. True.

Desired Objective:

Highly optimistic and outgoing personality. Loves to learn new and exciting things, and craves new interests. Looking for a well-rounded life full of success and new experiences. Does not allow herself to be overcome with negative thoughts or self-doubt. Takes life head on, with enthusiasm. Vague enough for anyone.

Actual Problem

Enjoys making new plans and goals, but needs to be respected and admired for the things she accomplishes. Praise me, all of you.

Actual Problem #2

Feeling tension and stress brought on by situations which are out of her control, leaves her feeling helpless, anxious, and inadequate. she escapes the situation by throwing herself into new activities and insisting she get her own way. True. Appears to be in control of herself, which she isn't, leading to outbursts of anger. False. I don't outburst with anger. And I'm totally in control....

Next up is a great step-by-step for block printing your own design on bedding. I have always wanted to try something like this, but I've got too much going on as it is. Maybe you don't want to do it yourself? Then buy it from this shop. This was my fist favorite shop on Etsy, and I still love it to death!

That's all the inspiration I got from my blogs today...Well, there was one other thing, but I'm trying to behave, so I better keep it to myself.

Anyway, I picked up some lovely Amy Butler fabrics while in Birmingham. Mainly blues and greens. Jealous? I bet you are. They are so nice that I'm even jealous of myself. I haven't gotten around to using them yet. I have this problem that if I like a fabric too much, then I don't want to use it. I'm afraid I'll ruin it. I have, however, almost finished a new quilt. It is tentatively named Mixed Berry Patchwork Quilt.

The fabrics for the custom Fold Quilt for Robert are on their way. More Amy Butler. I ordered a few extra patterns in case the ones I picked didn't look right together. The perils of ordering on the internet.

Someone convo'd me on Etsy asking if I planned to sell patterns for the Fold Quilt. I am going to try to take some good pics of the process so that I can eventually put together a pattern.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Millions of grueling hours

After hundreds, no, thousands, no, millions of grueling hours in front of the computer, the shop is open. Fat Beagle is in business! I am enclosing some pictures to entice you to visit. Above is the first quilt I ever made, the Bird Applique Quilt. Below is a detail of the fold quilt.

The latest quilt, which you have not yet seen is the Wave Quilt:

And the last teaser is a set of coasters.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

So I kicked my cat in the face

So I've been Photoshopping like it's going out of style. And it is. It is going out of style. In my opinion, anyway. I love photoshop, but I have about 60 pictures to do, and it is getting so old. I have about 20 left, and if you could see the finished pictures, in order, I think you would see a decline in quality and effort. Whatevs. They will never be perfect, so I should just stop worrying about it. I won't finish this weekend as I had hoped, but I will be close. I still have to take a few more pics tomorrow and touch them up, but I think that I will be able to start listing some products tomorrow. Hopefully "real work" won't get in the way. I mean, seriously, real work is lame. Actually it's not lame, but it gets on my nerves when it interrupts my schedule.

Real work is the restoration of a Rosenwald School in the community of Shiloh. Rosenwald schools are named after Julius Rosenwald, the CEO of Sears-Roebuck from back in the day. He took an interest in helping blacks help themselves. He helped fund over 5,000 schools in the southeast. Ours was one of the first, built in the '20's, and we are working on the restoration. We did the design of the landscape and are working on the specs for an accurate restoration. This week we have a presentation to try to help us get grants to pay for the work. The owner of the school and the president of the Shiloh Community Restoration Foundation is Liz Sims. She was a student at the school in the '50's, and is now working to restore it. Our school and 3 others were featured in Southern Living magazine this month, which was pretty exciting. The story is a little old because it features the Auburn Design-Build students who worked on an addition last semester. They are all gone now except one, who is now our construction supervisor. So here is a picture of the site now (click to enlarge):

The building in the foreground is the school, and up the hill is the church. We are working on the landscaping for both. And here are renderings (keep clicking to enlarge):

View as you pull into the driveway.

View of the front elevation.

View of the new plaza.

View of the backyard.

Other than real work and fake work, I have not had much of a life. But do I ever, really? Ha! I'm an old lady trapped in a middle-aged lady's body.

Earlier today Griswald was being particularly annoying, and I chased him into the sunroom, and he jumped up onto the window sill. Not feeling satisfied by simply chasing him, I kicked in his direction to show just how mad I was. At the same time I kicked, he jumped down from the window. Right into my foot. So I kicked my cat in the face. My foot HURTS! It is bruised and sore. I was afraid I broke his neck. But I didn't . He is just as annoying as usual. Cats have 9 lives, and he has now used 3 of his.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I am unfit to create

What can I say? I haven't been feeling very bloggy lately. It comes in waves, I guess. I made my big Fat Beagle debut, and I haven't been back. Well better late than never.

I've been busy trying to wrap things up to get the shop opened. I thought it would happen last week, but now I'm hoping for Monday. I still need to take nice photos of the quilts. I finished the new quilt, tentatively called the Wave Quilt. I need to come up with better names for these things. You'd think that by my naming system that I am unfit to create. I also made some new pot holders today. Pics to come....

My ex-boss in NY has requested a custom Fold Quilt, and I am excited to get started on that. I am working on choosing the patterns/colors for it, and after I get all my stuff up on Etsy, I will start it. I am excited to see it in a different color scheme, and I am excited to have my first custom order! Now that I've ironed out all the design issues with it, I hope to finish it in a timely manner. I've estimated that it should take about 13 hours if all goes well. All never goes well, so it will probably take more like 20 or 50 or a million.

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's, like, so 2005

Just making my internet rounds, catching up on all the blogs I read, and one blog referenced another, and somehow I got to this article about awesome cat houses/beds/toys. Yeah, I'm digging on this one. It's, like, so 2005.

My wild beast, Griswald, would LOVE some of those things. He is infatuated with cardboard. He throws himself on it, smells it, rolls around on it, chews on it, rubs his face on it. Whatever floats your boat, Griswald..

Crawling back to the green machine

So here it is, my first real post on the new blog...I have brought a few recent posts over from the old blog for a little back story for my new readers, wherever you are. I decided to make my old blog private. It is full of over 2 years of my whining, and I am excited to put that behind me. Part of me wants you to read it all; know the whole story, but part of me wants to keep it private. Now that I am about to open my Etsy shop, I will hopefully attract new traffic to the blog, and I want the new people to see the better side of me.

Ha, I'm sure the bitter, cynical side of me will shine through sooner than later.

I started a new quilt a couple of days ago, but I have not photographed it yet. I finished the top, and I must say that the colors are a little brighter than I'm used to, but I'm okay with how it is going so far. I'm still working on the patchy blue quilt. I've been quilting by hand, which takes forever, but I really like doing it. I quilt for a couple of hours in front of my stories every night. It is similar to knitting for me. Relaxing, slow, and perfect for watching crime dramas.

I had planned on opening the shop this week, but I'm not positive I'm ready. I have a few more things to finish up before they are ready to list, but I'm close! I am excited, nervous and overwhelmed with it all! I still have to figure out how tax crap works, but after that, the business side is done. For now.

Saturday I went to Atlanta. It was a beautiful day with low humidity and not too hot. I went to the fabric store for some things. I picked up my machine from the repair center. I got a Singer Curvy in October '08 when I first started making quilts. I started having trouble with the bottom tension, and I spent more time messing with it than I did actually sewing. So after I moved back to Birmingham, I started using my mom's avocado green machine from the '70's. That thing is a tank. I use and abuse, and it performs like a champ. I finally took the new machine to the warranty center, and they, at first, insisted that nothing was wrong with it. They said the problem is my thread, the problem is my fabric, the problem is my stitch length, the problem is that I'm stupid. Finally I convinced them to just service the machine, and 2 weeks later, they say that the problem was lint under the bobbin case and that I had dropped some pins in there and that some of the parts had to be buffed because of the damage done by the pins. So maybe I am stupid....I brought the repaired machine home, I packed up the green machine, got set up, and started to sew. But wait, now there is a problem with the top tension! I messed with the machine for an hour and gave up, crawling back to the green machine.

Fact: Everything old is better than everything new.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

She's like the Wicked Witch of the West

Ok. So I'm really trying to stay motivated and make this happen. The Etsy shop, that is. If I don't do it before school starts, I'm afraid I never will. I have been working almost every day on some bit of sewing or other related task. I wanted to have about 5 quilts and a bunch of coasters and other small things that people can actually afford. I've been working on the Crazy Blue Quilt for a couple of weeks now, and I am on the home stretch. This is an earlier progress pic:

I finally finished the Patchy Bird Quilt:

The coasters:

In other news, I've been out of control with pet pictures, as usual.

Beagle's new favorite spot to sleep is halfway under the couch. Forgive the bad picture, but I couldn't resist. She's like the Wicked Witch of the West or something.

Not much substance to this post, but I'm tired after uploading all those pictures. Next time I'll do better, I promise

Thursday, June 25, 2009

He blasts The Cure on his sweet sound system

Yes, I'm back so soon. I was shocked today at the death of Michael Jackson. I was appalled at some of the things written on Facebook. Shocked and appalled.

I'm getting back into craft-zone, and I get updates from google reader from the Design Sponge blog. They write like 20 posts a day, so it takes a while to wade through it all. But it's worth it. They have DIY Wednesdays, where they give you fun projects to do. They also do before and afters which are fun. People make over furniture pieces and rooms and they are sometimes lame and sometimes really cool. Today there was a before and after for a baby's nursery. I really liked it because it was a little dark for a baby. No frills, no pink or blue. It was basically what I would want for my baby if I had one. You can see it here.

Still working on the new quilt. Hope you like blue and purple. Yeah, I know, sounds ugly, right? I'll post some pics when it starts taking shape. I'm a little unsure about this one because it's not brown. I'm a little weary of color, it seems.

Thanks to design sponge, I also got hooked on a new blog. The girl's house was featured on DS because she has some great stuff that she's found at thrift stores, etc... She has a $100 rule: no individual item can cost more than $100. She has gotten some really awesome mid-century furniture for great prices. She's not afraid to lie and cheat to get it either :) Anyway, if you are bored, love pretty mid-century things, and enjoy a sense of humor, check out her blog.

I've been making lots of crepes lately. Sweet and savory.

Our across the street neighbor is so lame. He's in his 40's. He has highlighted longish hair with a slight receding hairline. He wears clothes that were "nice" in the late '90's, and he drives a Miata, which he thinks is so hot. He peels out of his driveway with the top down while he blasts The Cure on his sweet sound system. He was hosing down his dishwasher in the driveway today. They have been doing weird things like that lately. Maybe they murdered someone in there, and now they're trying to clean up the evidence.

Guess that's enough random facts for now. It's almost time for the SYTYCD results show anyway.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dem cookies show am good

I guess it is time to get back to it. After partying like a rock star for 3 days straight (somehow that became the motto of the weekend) , the real world beckons, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I thought I was too old for that kind of fun, but I have to say, I was a champ. And so was everyone else. Well, I guess Candice, John, Eric, and I were champs. The others could only manage 2-days-in-a-row. Poor things.

Anyway, it was a big weekend, and since I went into it knowing that there were consecutive events, I prepared appropriately. Rocky style.

I bought some Pyrex, and here is my collection so far:

These two are my faves at the moment:

This is a McCoy cookie jar from the 70's that I got my mom for mother's day. She already has one from the '50's called Mammy. Some call her Aunt Jemima. She is a fat black cookie jar lady who is wearing a do rag.The edition of Mammy before the one my mom has had the words: "Dem cookies show am good." Ours just says "Cookies." Anyway, Mammy is pretty valuable, but the cookie jar has apparently been widely copied, which has reduced the value. I am pretty sure my mom's is real. Anyway, so I thought this one was pretty rad too, so I got it for her.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A few (disturbing) things:

A few (disturbing) things:
  • I want to move. Back in time. To the '50's.
  • I am starting a vintage Pyrex collection. Look here for all the pretty patterns.
  • I watch Battlestar Galactica.

I want to reupholster our old brown dining chairs from West Elm. They have arms, and they are looking rough, thanks to Griswald. I have a few fabrics in mind, but of course, the one I like the best is $68/yard

Another much cheaper option is this:

I'm still looking, but I am excited to bring new life to those chairs.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


We accomplished a lot in the kitchen over the last week, including installation of the under cabinet lighting, tiling (but not yet grouting) painting the walls (but not the trim), and a few other small things. The only big jobs left are grouting and the floors. Everything else is small tasks like putting in new outlet covers, moldings, vent hood, and a couple more under cabinet lights over the sink. We need to order the ceiling light fixtures as well. All things we can get finished in a month. Too bad I won't be here to enjoy the finished kitchen....Here is a progress pic:

A close up of the cut for the undermount sink (ignore the lack of grout and face plates):

In other news I've taken up antiquing. Or junkin' as my aunt always called it. She used to take me when I was young, and while I loved going with her, I never really got into it. Until now.

I have managed to do a little sewing lately. I mentioned before the kitchen set I started and the Patchy Bird Quilt. I want to add a pair of towels to the ktichen set, but have not yet been satisfied with anything I've done. So for now, it is a pair of pot holders and an oven mitt. I did a pleat detail down the center of each and quilted in a diamond pattern.

Finally, the Patchy Bird quilt. I still have to quilt it together. Right now it is basted together with safety pins, and I think it will look really nice when it is all finished. Below is a picture of the front and back. It is a chocolate brown cotton with a cool Japanese fabric patched in there.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Raining cats and dogs for days

I finished the Fold Quilt, but have not taken final pics of it YET. It has been raining cats and dogs for days, so I haven't had the chance. Here it is during the quilting process:

The butcher block countertops came in (FINALLY). We removed the old laminate, sanded the butcher block, cut the hole for the undermount sink, did some more finish sanding, and we put the WRONG sealer on them! Because two destructive boys live in this house (my brothers), we chose not to put mineral oil on them (which is what normal people do). We decided that since we don't plan on cutting on them anyway, we'd seal them with something water proof, because, as we all know, wood and water don't mix. Unless it is one of those weird underwater logs that are worth a bunch of money. Anyway, we chose a water based poly to avoid the ambering that occurs with regular poly. Mistake. It had copious water spots immediately. So, after hearing a million different opinions from a million different people, we decided to go with indoor/outdoor oil based poly, then we decided to just oil it like normal people, then we couldn't find mineral oil, and were looking for it online, and found Waterlox. It advertised itself as a perfect finish for butcher block that won't water spot, stain, etc... It was perfect. Once we get the Waterlox on, I will post a pic.

I ordered some new fabs a couple of weeks ago, and I got some really nice Japanese prints that I'm excited about. Here is my current collection:

I started making a purse. Here it is before I put in the lining and attach the strap. It is my first bag, and I am making it up as I go. Now that it is lining time, I am starting to lose steam....

I got the urge to make a smallish quilt, mainly because it would be a fast project. I hate when things drag on.

I got my hair cut, and I promised a before and after, so:

The other day I took Beagle for a walk on some trails, so here are a few of the pics I took:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Frankenstein blog

Written 1/26/11
This is currently a frankenstein blog. The first 16 or so entries will be disjointed as I took pieces from an old blog and put them in here, then maintained this one for a year or so, and since, I have removed big chunks. So it won't make a lot of sense from the beginning, but I hope that as I start to write in it again, things will fall into place.

This blog starts when I am living at my mom's house waiting for grad school to start. My time at home was mostly full of kitchen renovations and sewing. Then, in June '09, I moved down to school, worked a summer job, and did more sewing. I spent the summer trying to get my etsy shop open, and finally made it happen. Then I was in school from August 2009 to August 2010.

Now I am starting a new journey in my life, which I will explain later. But that is the reason for the resurrection of my blog...