Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's time for the requisite New Year's post. I'm not fully motivated to do this, but it has to be done. Plus it's a big one because it's the end of a decade! (That's not a happy exclamation point.) I'm getting old, and time is passing faster and faster. For those of you who have been reading since the beginning (like when this was still on MySpace), I am terrified of getting old and realizing I let life pass me by. I try to use the New Year as a way to keep myself on task. So what did I say last year?

1. Finish renovating the kitchen, don't rush it and make it crappy. Do something that I am proud of.


2. Make more quilts and start my Etsy shop. Also make patterns to sell in shop.

mostly check. I had to quit that stuff when school got busy.

3. Keep up with cycling. Don't get lazy!

nope. I got lazy.

4. Switch over my blog to a nicer site, add crafting to my blog.


5. I'll be in school, so I guess I should put something about doing well.

i did ok. but i worked too hard for those lousy Bs.

6. Do something good. Part of why I was always so frustrated with my life in NY is that I wasn’t doing anything to help people, better society, etc... I want to find something that channels my talents and/or interests to help people.

nope. still looking for something to do. school is so busy that i have time for nothing else.

So I got a 4/6, which is a 67%. Not so hot.